OUR Team

Dr Mahendra Patel

Dr Mahendra Patelis a M.B.B.S, M.R.S.M(U.K)
he is a Hair Transplant Surgeon and Laser Surgeon with 20+ Experience

Dr Shikha chaturvedi

Dr. Shikha Chaturvedi is a B.D.S(GoldMedalist) , Cosmetologist
and Facial Aesthetician(USA)
P.M.U Trainer she has 6years+ Experience in field of Skin and Hair.

Dr Rashmi Shanker

Dr Rashmi ShankerM.B.B.S., D.D.V.L is a is Senior consultant Dermatologist,
laser specialist and Cosmetologist & has 20 yrs of experience in Skin & Hair related issues

Dr Mamta Patel

Dr Mamta patelis a MD,Dermatologist & Cosmetologist
is has 15 years of experience in Dermatology & Cosmetology field

Dr Kshama Bhakta

Dr Kshama Bhaktais a Cosmetologist & Aesthetician She is a Co Founder
at Astroyoga she hair a 6 years+ experience in Skin & Hair related issues

Dr karan Anghan

Dr karan Anghan is a M.B.B.S & Hair Transplant Surgeon
he has 7 years+ Hair related issues